
1814 年,美国在普拉茨堡附近的尚普兰湖取得了海战胜利,阻止了英国对美国的陆上入侵,并在巴尔的摩的麦克亨利堡取得了切萨皮克湾的胜利。麦克亨利堡击退了由十九艘战舰组成的英国舰队,经受了长达二十七个小时的轰炸,几乎毫发无损。美国诗人弗朗西斯·斯科特·基在一艘英国船上观看了这场战斗,写下了后来成为国歌的诗句《星条旗》。

In 1814, Americans gained naval victories on Lake Champlain near Plattsburgh, preventing a British land invasion of the United States and on the Chesapeake Bay at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. Fort McHenry repelled the nineteen-ship British fleet, enduring twenty-seven hours of bombardment virtually unscathed. Watching from aboard a British ship, American poet Francis Scott Key penned the stanzas of the poem that would later become the national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Chapter 7 The Early Republic – The American Yawp